Event Category: Special Event

All dudes (this is a men’s event) should be like totally stoked to know they’re invited to a rad movie night of 80s cheese.  As if?  Bring your own bodacious snacks if you want them!  I MUST BREAK YOU!!!

Food of some sort, could be biscuits, could be eggs and bacon, coffee, and surely more deliciousness.  All guys are invited to our monthly (in place of regular men’s group) men’s breakfast, every 1st Thursday at 6:30am at the church!

We are sending care packages to US military men and women who are deployed in dangerous areas overseas.  Listen as to how you can help and what you can bring.  Wednesday 10/6 we will be praying over the packages and adding personalized notes for soldiers.

All are welcome to a fire and cookout (quality beef hot dogs, no chemicals…) in the church backyard!  Hosted by our Thursday night home group…bring your appetite, we’ll bring the rest!

Join us at 6pm for a movie in the back field under the stars.  All are welcome…families, children, singles!  Bring chairs or blankets to sit on!

As modeled in 2 Corinthians 9:12++, we take a special offering each year to help support these ministries: Church planting Local missions Cross-cultural world missions Church members in need Care for the persecuted church Disaster relief Fighting human trafficking Care for the homeless …and more! All are encouraged to contribute generously!!!

All men are invited to join us for a 90 day fast that includes course study and accountability.  Listen for details on Sundays.  Fast begins 1/17/22 and ends on easter Sunday 4/17/22.

A practical workshop where we’ll teach practical ways to dig in to God’s word.  Learn to study figurative language, use commentaries, delve into Hebrew and Greek, and much more.  We are working on childcare for these meetings, stay tuned!

A practical workshop where we’ll teach practical ways to dig in to God’s word.  Learn to study figurative language, use commentaries, delve into Hebrew and Greek, and much more.  We are working on childcare for these meetings, stay tuned!

Babies are a gift from God…and we have a few new additions to our family!  We will have a dedication during service this morning.  Invite your family to spectate!

This Week’s Calendar

Click above for a list of groups meeting this week.

Upcoming Events

We meet every Sunday at 10:00 am
to worship God together, and throughout the week in home groups all over the city. Please click the link to the left for a complete schedule of home groups.

Our Community

At VCC, we believe that church is not a function: it is a family. Our religion is only as alive as we are, the people that pursue it. So, rather than acting as an organization, we want to act as an organism. We have no time for casual contacts and meaningless formalities. We are a fellowship on an adventure towards the stuff of God. Church means worshipping God together, studying the Bible together, fixing our cars together, hiking together, eating together, playing together, praying together... enjoying the warmth of the Holy Spirit in all parts of our lives together, not just in appointed meeting times.